Stationary Noise Tool


  • Surface ReadOut (SRO) stationary noise log.
  • Real-time depth log from stations.
  • Carefully designed set of sensor elements sensitive from 40Hz and 60kHz.
  • Answer product in the field direct from Warrior.
  • Sensors are sampled with two schemes to obtain optimal resolution.
  • Multiple SNT stackable to accelerate acquisition.


  • Real-time data cuts down on time for data interpretation.
  • Fully combinable with our full range of logging tools allows for one-pass results.
  • Leak Detection pinpoints areas of interest.
  • Crossflow and flow behind pipe evaluation eliminate guessing migration points.
  • Incorporates a high-resolution temperature sensor which is a valuable complement to the spectral noise measurements.
  • Locate source of sustained casing pressure.


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Stationary Noise Tool

About This Product

The WOS Stationary Noise Tool (SNT) is a wireline logging tool focusing on real-time Surface Read Out (SRO) applications that require sensitive stationary measurements with immediate real-time on-site answers. Our unique real-time software automatically stitches multiple station measurements together to generate a real-time depth-based answer product. The on-site operator can quickly identify intervals of interest and, if required, can easily acquire in-fill stations with closer spacing without any delay or extra data manipulation. This hybrid logging mode is capable of stitching together data from multiple SNT tools in the tool string to further optimize acquisition.

Product Details

*See Sales Sheet.